Architectural Heritage


Coordinator: ALESSANDRA BATTISTI Università di Roma Sapienza


The ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Cluster deals with the built environment in which, regardless of chronological or scalar factors, cultural meanings are recognized. Research and experimental topics of interest include: archaeological sites; rural and vernacular architecture; industrial architecture; historic centres; twentieth-century architecture.


The contributions deal with some topics that can be declined with reference to process and product technologies:

– reliability of processes through demand-performance approach to support the different decision-making phases of clients, including institutional ones;

  • project management, predictive maintenance and digital twin;
  • material and immaterial resource use and access;
  • health, safety and sustainability/compatibility of functional areas;
  • green technologies; passive solutions; renewable energy sources;
  • host communities;
  • technological innovation and process digitalization;
  • active role of the user.


The field of study is ruled by objectives which are common to a variety of fields of application: knowledge; documentation; preservation; communication; management; fruition; enhancement; inclusion. All fields must be addressed without disciplinary delimitations, taking into consideration technological innovation and social evolution. Amongst the main perspectives are the need to strengthen interlocutions with institutional stakeholders at an operational level and the interaction with different disciplinary perspectives, on the theoretical and methodological level.


Sustainable Enhancement, Digital Technologies in Architectural Heritage, Community Engagement in Refurbishment.

Paola Altamura
Francesca Anania
Emanuele Walter Angelico
Vitangelo Ardito
Paola Ascione
Maria Azzalin
Serena Baiani
Alessandra Battisti
Livia Calcagni
Alberto Calenzo
Fernanda Cantone
Giuseppe De Giovanni

Roberto Di Giulio
Maria Fianchini
Angelo Figliola
Maria Luisa Germana’
Matteo Iommi
Antonio Magari
Antonella Mami
Rossella Maspoli
Antonello Monsu’ Scolaro
Elvira Nicolini
Silvia Nigro

Maria Giovanna Pacifico
Nicola Panzini
Laura Pedata
Valentina Puglisi
Vito Quadrato
Antonella Trombadore
Gaia Turchetti
Beatrice Turillazzi
Leonardo Zaffi
Alessandra Zanelli

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