logo cluster AccAmb


Clusters represent research networks made up of an articulated series of skills, especially interdisciplinary skills that the SITdA Members have developed over time. Through the clusters, SITdA provides a series of specific and interdisciplinary skills that can assist both the Customer in better explaining his/her needs (quality of public demand), and the operator of the building sector, in proposing appropriate design, realization and management solutions (effectiveness of the response).
logo cluster AccAmb  Environmental Accessibility
logo cluster NZEB  NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Building
logo cluster patrimonio architettonico  Architectural Heritage
logo cluster Produzione  Production / Building Product
logo cluster ProgAmb  Environmental Designnvironmental Design
logo cluster Recupero  Recovery and Maintenanceecovery and Maintenance
logo cluster ServColl  Services for the Collectivityervices for the Collectivity
logo cluster SH  Social Housing

Remember that it is possible to join only TWO clusters.

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