
Summer School: Urban Metabolism and Water Management

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The Department of Architecture of University of Bologna, in cooperation with the Cities of Amsterdam and Bologna, Urban Center Bologna, Sense and Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, announce the launch of the PhD summer school on “Urban Metabolism and Water Management” that will be held in Amsterdam and Bologna from 3rd to 15th July 2016.
The two weeks intensive programme will be focused on the circular metropole providing  different scientific specialisations to transfer research knowledge into smart sustainable solutions for the metropolises of the future. Real life challenges of the metropolitan city’s of Amsterdam (week 1) and Bologna (week 2) will be tackled encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration, creative skills, commercial thinking, and communication with different stakeholders.

Applications deadline is the 30th May.

More information here or  visiting the website
Registration through the Climate-KIC.org website
In case of any question, send an e-mail to jacopo.gaspari@unibo.it

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